Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dearest Jessie, mi gatito chulito...

Dear Grey cat, beloved Jessie of mine,

You will never be "small stuff" to me. Your life and your death was not small stuff. I ......sweated and cried for you. I grieved, I mourned and I still yearn for you. You were the BIG DEAL! Mmmm-hmmm, the BFD:)! Si, señor!

I loved you in the mornings and in the after noons, I loved you all the evenings underneath the moon. I bought an Andy Warhol lithograph of a green cat, built like you, with jade green body and pink eyes. That is how you are/were to me, my dearest Jesscat, you were a gem that added sparkle to my life. Thank you, forever, for what you have taught me - unconditional love, cat-span language (cat/Spanish), minimalism (shoestring is awesome toy), loyalty, devotion, caring, selflessness, and heartbreaking goodbye.

Jessie, I regret not knowing what afflicted you earlier on. I regret, that I thought you just had a drawn out bout of cold/allergy. But you do know that your family addressed all your bouts of minor illnesses before; you do know money was never an object when it came to you or your brother. I played the piano, however badly, for you; I sang to you, I talked to you, I stroked and kissed your head, I gave you chicken and bacon and tilapia and you were the only cat who did not like salmon! I can sit here boring your spirit to death with all my little memories of you; you were the epitome of a scaredy cat, you were afraid of your own tail...Oh dearest kitty, I will never, ever forget you. We were so afraid you would not make it in the wild. But you beat us to heaven!!

Someday when we meet again, I will call you out and hopefully you will be able to tell my laughter from all the rest because you and I have laughed and cried together, mi gatito precioso chulito:), que te extraño muy tanto. Nunca jamas te olvido, te prometo. Para siempre te amo, como te ame cuando estuvo conmigo...con sonrisas, con amor, viva con anime en cielo hasta la proxima que nos vemos...♥ I love you ten thousand times, I miss you my loyal loving pet, my first cat love!!!  I miss you so very much.

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